Why do we use Yondr pouches? We use Yondr pouches to keep our phones safe, and so we can focus on our education instead of being on our phones in class. The Yondr pouches are also meant to be a safe place for your phone. So if you drop your phone it will be safe in the pouch. The magnets are meant to open your Yondr pouch at the end of the day.
you can either keep your phone at home, or you could put your home in your Yondr pouch. Have you locked your Yodr pouch on accident? Well that’s not a problem because Mr Moore is at the Entrance of the lunchroom in the morning to open your locked Yondr pouch
According to Principle Jack Hatert ” The Yondr pouches reset the expectations across the boards , for students and teachers alike.So keep your phone in your Yondr pouch in school hours,so you can learn and keep your phone safe